
We have been providing this service for over ten years with excellent results. We have tested every system available and have settled on ZOOM in chair whitening, which takes 60 minutes and can whiten up to 8 shades with little to no sensitivity. 

We also offer take home whitening packs: the patient wears a custom-made mouth guard that fits their teeth exactly. A peroxide based solution is placed in the tray and the tray is worn for a period of time each day over two weeks. The active ingredient in the gel breaks down releasing oxygen that enters the tooth and whitens the discolouration. The tooth structure is initially more porous and then is remineralised by the saliva. 

Both treatments include an initial examination and scale and clean.

We can also whiten individual teeth in one hour. 

Causes of tooth Discolouration

Causes include aging, trauma, tetracycline staining, excessive fluoride, consumption of staining substances (coffee, tea tobacco) nerve degeneration, and old fillings. 

Benefits of Whitening

Whitening can give a nice light smile to almost everybody. On unrestored teeth It is the ideal treatment if you feel that your smile can be improved. It creates a bright smile with natural tooth tones still visible. In most cases it eliminates the need for extensive expensive restoration, such as veneers and crowns. 

The teeth will always be lighter after whitening to varying degrees and they usually remain lighter for years. If the effects of bleaching wear off after time they can be re bleached. 

Side effects

Some patients experience increased tooth sensitivity during whitening. However, this sensitivity always goes away soon after treatment is complete. 

Over the counter

Some chemists sell home bleaching products at cheap rates. Although they may appear to be good value they are more harmful and less effective than the whitening kits a dentist provides. The mouth guards will not fit your teeth exactly resulting in gum irritation, and due to its lesser concentration the solution is less effective. 

Contact us if you have any enquiries.