Peter Dayman appears regularly in the media:
Just how safe is fluoride in our water?
The new Trump White House is expected to advise all US water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Peter joined Philip Clark on Nightlife to take calls and to discuss why most public water supplies in Australia are fluoridated and whether there is substance to any of the concerns raised by opponents to it.
Broadcast on ABC Radio National Tuesday 22 January 2025 at 10:00pm
No more drills, caps or crowns? The latest in Dentistry
Broadcast on ABC Radio National Monday 3 April 2023 at 10:00pm
Nightlife: featuring your teeth
With Philip Clarke, ABC radio 21 September 2020
Your dental health
On Nightlife with Philip Clark, ABC radio 10 October 2019
How to keep your teeth healthy
On Nightlife with Philip Clark 12 February 2018